DDr. D. Zitny-Haberl MDSc | Dr. M. Müller
Pilgramgasse 1/2/8, 1050 Wien, +43 1 5447199
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 8am–6pm, Fri 8am–2pm

DDr. D. Zitny-Haberl MDSc
Dr. M. Müller
Pilgramgasse 1/2/8, 1050 Wien
+43 1 5447199
Mon – Thu 8am – 6pm, Fri 8am–2pm

DDr. Daniela Zitny-Haberl MDSc

»Radiant and healthy teeth are my greatest joy and passion. With tailored therapeutic options I try to archive the best possible results for my patients.«


1992 – 1998
General Medicine Studies, Faculty of Medicine, University of Vienna. Awarded a scholarship for academic achievement.

1994 – 1997
Demonstrator am Histologisch – Embryologischen Institut der Universität Wien; Wahlfachausbildung Histologie und Embryologie

Scientific Research Assistant, Department of Oral Surgery – Center for Dental, Oral and Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Vienna

awarded Doctor of Medicine (Dr. med.), Faculty of Medicine, University of Vienna

1998 – 2001
Center for Dental, Oral and Maxillo-Facial Medical Studies, Vienna University Clinic of Dentistry

Board Exam for Dental, Oral and Maxillo-Facial Medicine, awarded Doctor med. dent.

2001 – 2002
Contracted Research Assistant, Department of Oral Surgery – Center for Dental, Oral and Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Vienna

2002 – 2003
Intern, Medical Residency in the Department of Dentistry and Oral and Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Social Medical Center East, Vienna

Advanced Training Diploma in Oral Implantology

Advanced Training Diploma, Center for Dental, Oral and Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Vienna

Post-graduate studies: Master of Dental Science Implantology, Medical University of Vienna

Final Examinations, awarded MDSc (Master of Dental Science Implantology)

Tec-2 Silver Level Certification for Endodontics (University of Pennsylvania)

Certification for CBCT Diagnostics (German Dental assosiation)


Freezed dried homogeneous and heterogeneous bone for sinus augmentation in sheep – Part I histological findings – Haas R, Haidvogl D, Donath K, Watzek G. Clin.Oral Impl.Res, 13, 2002, 396-404

Freezed dried bone for maxillary sinus augmentation in sheep – Part II biomechanical findings – Haas R, Haidvogl D, Dörtbudak O, Mailath G. Clin. Oral Impl. Res, 13, 2002, 581-586

Dissertation zum Thema Homologer und heterologer, gefriergetrockneter, kortikaler Knochen im Vergleich zur Augmentation des Sinus maxillaris Masterthese zum Thema Autologer, kortikospongiöser Knochenblock zur Augmentation des Sinus Maxillaris im Tierexperiment